We have never had so many communication channels at our disposal. On top of the conventional ones, the internet and social networks have accelerated globalization to the point of drawing a scenario that we could not imagine a few years ago. That is why companies must define their communication strategy and take care of every detail in order to differentiate themselves and stand out from their competitors.
The management of a brand with the aim of provoking sensations and creating positive connections with the consumer is what we call branding in the world of communication, and it goes far beyond achieving sales. To stand out from the competition, it is necessary to decide how we are going to present ourselves to customers: design, speech, typography, colours... these are some of the aspects to take into account to build the brand's personality.
The management of a brand with the aim of provoking sensations and creating positive connections with the consumer is what we call branding.
On the internet, it is necessary to have a visual identity and respect it at all times. Make use of a powerful slogan, colors that communicate the feelings with which we want to be associated and a logo that adapts to the different platforms. It is also important to have a brand manual that includes the developed image and its applications to maintain that unity in style and develop it correctly.
Obviously, it is not necessary to be present in all communication channels, but it is necessary to develop a communication strategy in those in which we can have a good media impact through quality content. In the same way, we should not always try to sell: Offering entertainment or educational information will also help us improve our positioning on the Internet and establish the values by which we want to be recognized.
But, who is in charge of managing the entire brand strategy? The Brand Manager. It is that person who investigates the market, the competition and the consumer to define the communication of the company and apply it. Among other things, it is also within his remit to involve employees by ensuring good internal communication, analyze campaign results and manage the company's reputation.