Typography plays a very relevant role in graphic design. Choosing and combining fonts, the distance between them, the size and other variables correctly is an art, even more so if we take into account the possibilities that we currently have in the digital world. In fact, for a graphic designer, choosing typography is just as important as deciding which colors or images to use, since a project can completely change its meaning depending on which one is used.
Without going into too technical characteristics, we will review the typographical classifications that are currently used. The truth is that it is very complex due to the large number of variations that exist, but there is consensus on the following criteria:
Serif fonts: They are those that have finials in their endings, also known as Roman fonts. They are characterized by being regular, elegant and possessing harmony in their proportions. Its finials provide a high degree of readability in printed text.
Sans serif fonts: They are characterized by reducing the shape of the characters to their essential scheme, that is, they do not contain finials or fine strokes. They are very appropriate for signs, posters, signs or digital ads that seek to capture attention. They are often used to obtain good readability on the web and transmit modernity, cleanliness, dynamism and minimalism.
Decorative typefaces: They have the most personality. They do not require much readability, so they have more freedom in their forms. Some examples may be those of worn or torn style or those whose layout suggests a specific historical period, such as pop art.
Monospaced fonts: These are those that all their characters are assigned the same width of composition. They originate from typewriters and are ideal for use on programming consoles to keep track of points and commas. In the design, they bring a technological and contemporary air.
How to choose the right typography:
Although each work needs a particular analysis to choose the typography, there are a number of aspects that should be taken into account to make a choice that is appropriate. Here we summarize them:
The audience: The lyrics chosen must take into account the tastes of the target audience to whom the design will be directed. For example, children prefer rounded fonts with fun styles.
The content of the text: The typography will vary depending on whether the content is informative, informative, entertaining, scientific... must be contextual to deliver a coherent message.
The length of the text: Depending on the length, it will be necessary to incorporate a more or less readable font. In addition, it is advisable to check that the font chosen has enough variants to cover all needs (bold, italics, numbers, signs...)
The support: The dimensions of the graphic part are also important. For example, if a phrase should be included in a delimited space within a web site, a font should be applied without fining to facilitate reading.
Combinations: It is preferable not to use more than two different sources in a design, as employing more generates confusion and visual disorder. To generate concordance, the best option is to apply different variants of the same typographic family, that is, make use of the bold, the italics, the light... and vary the size and color.
Source: López López, A. M. (2019). Diseño gráfico digital. ANAYA MULTIMEDIA.